We had tears in our eyes," reveals Ram Charan Tej, recalling the poignant moment he shared with his father-actor Chiranjeevi after enacting a scene together for his upcoming film. The actor wistfully recalls that Chiru was reluctant to leave the set and was sitting quietly in a chair red-eyed. "I thought we could do a couple of films together but dad surprised us with his decision to join politics, "he says as an afterthought.
Entrepreneur turned-actor : Interestingly, the son of Chiranjeevi initially aspired to be an entrepreneur but fate had other plans for him and made him an actor. "I never realized that a golden opportunity was lying at my door and I was scouting for it at other places. One day I broached the idea of taking up acting and dad just agreed," disclosed Charan who honed his acting and dancing skills in London. He debuted with Chirutha and though it got a big response, it was labeled as a demo of the rookie. "Actually that was what we intended to dish out and we were satisfied with the final outcome," reasons the actor, who admires director Puri Jagannath for showcasing his varied talents.
The father-son jodi : "I was always fascinated by the Amitabh-Abhishek jodi and I enjoyed watching them together. Similarly, I dreamt of doing at least a few films with my dad but now I think it may not be possible," he rues. He had to pester his reluctant father for a special appearance in his next periodic film. "Finally, he agreed to do one scene and a song. Wrapping up that scene was the most touching moment of my life," says Tej.
He also brands Chiru as his best critic and watches the movies of the famed dancer to fine-tune his bop. "Undoubtedly, he is graceful," he opines. Charan admits that he has matured with time and has learned to take the highs and lows of life in his stride. He says, "I have realized that politics is a different ball game altogether. My father is sensitive and he cannot see anybody suffer. I feel that it is his empathy that differentiates him from regular politicians.
On his much awaited epic : "It's a reincarnation plot and the period is about 400 years ago. The film travels from past to present but the mainstay is an enchanting love story," reveals the actor, who claims that it was challenging to portray the demanding role. "At times we spend 3 to 4 hours for just one shot," reveals Charan who will unveil his new look in this periodic epic. Later, he will be joining hands with promising director Bhaskar, who is known for family entertainers, for another film. "We had a discussion and Bhaskar also felt the need to try a new genre," announces Ram, who seems to prefer variety.
On his personal life : "At times, I do feel I am missing out on regular life but I freak out on foreign locales and I also love shopping," informs the new-age star who surprisingly feels stressed when he is not on the sets. "Probably, work is my stress buster. Acting has become a paid holiday for me," says the young man for whom family is sacrosanct and dedicates all his leisure time to spend quality time at home.
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